Past Breedings
Reka and Oliver had a beautiful litter of 4 boys and 3 girls on July 1st, 2019. Each of them have perfect marketing and big bones. They are extremely fun and playful with a wonderful temperament.
Sasha and Eiger had 4 lovely puppies born June 3, 2019. 3 sweet girls and 1 feisty boy. Both parents are Champions with lovely markings and sweet dispositions.
Reagan Ray was our surprise puppy born February 4, 2019. She was born in the center of the bedroom surrounded by 7 older siblings and surrounded by love. All the older dogs participated in her birth and gave her a lot of attention from the minute she was born. She still insists on getting all the attention.
Oliver and Sasha had a big litter of 7 boys and 4 girls on March 3, 2017. Beautiful babies with perfect markings and big bones. A first litter for both dogs. They have the nice temperaments of their parents and the love of being around people. Both Oliver and Sasha will resume their show calendar and finish up as Champions in the near future.